Equinox and Solstice’s Bexx Salvidar Equinox and Solstice’s Bexx Salvidar

Renewal and Growth: Harnessing the Power of the Spring Equinox for Personal Empowerment

Discover the spiritual significance of the spring equinox and its potential for personal growth, empowerment, and holistic health. Set intentions, reflect on balance, and cultivate community with these tips.

The spring equinox holds great spiritual significance for those seeking personal growth, empowerment, and holistic health. It marks a time of renewal, growth, and rebirth, offering an ideal opportunity to strengthen connection to self and community.

The equal length of day and night during the spring equinox symbolizes balance and harmony, reminding us to seek balance within ourselves and our lives. This makes it a perfect time for reflection on areas of imbalance and intention-setting for greater harmony.

The spring equinox also presents an opportunity for planting new seeds, setting goals, developing positive habits, and manifesting positive change in our lives. This aligns with those seeking personal growth and empowerment by focusing their energy on creating the life they desire.

For those seeking community and connection, the spring equinox is a time of celebration and renewal, with many spiritual traditions and communities gathering together to honor nature's cycles and connect with one another. It's an opportunity to share our journeys and support one another on our paths to personal growth and empowerment.

Lastly, the spring equinox is a time of holistic health. It is an ideal opportunity to focus on self-care, nourishing our bodies with healthy food, practicing mindfulness and meditation, and connecting with our inner selves. As we celebrate the renewal of spring, may we take time to reflect, set intentions, connect with one another, and focus on our own self-care and holistic health.

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Bexx Salvidar Bexx Salvidar

It's Time For Compassion -- Shadow Work

I don’t know who this is for, yet here I am sharing something that is rising up.

Maybe there’s been some kind of shift as of late, I am noticing a yearning for connection, to be understood. There’s a fear of wanting to stay closed off, cosy in the place where you are safe. It’s nice to feel safe. I feel like there’s a heaviness and a loneliness that is dripping, causing a shiver or some of you to exist in damp clothing.

I hope I can offer you a little guidance. If the above sounded like you, please take this as an offering of my love and compassion for humanity.

You are important. You matter. It is uncomfortable to go into the places where we see the darkness in our mind, that irritation or agitation. I invite you to wander into the shadows with curiosity and no expectations. This offers you the freedom to explore the connection you have with yourself. You see, there are many sides to us, we seek balance and yet chaos seeks to create more. The thing we can control is our perception. Recognizing when you are not okay and doing something about it.

Ground and calm the mind. Invite the shadow to come visit with you. Be curious and hold no judgement.

Be mindful of your energy. This is a time for inquiry, not for going full tilt and wanting to eradicate all the negative feelings. This is a practice.

Healing in circles is where we can connect. We do these kinds of exercises to continue to connect to ourselves and also witness the journey of others. This is how we share wisdom.

Much love,
Erika The Doula

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Bexx Salvidar Bexx Salvidar

New Circles! I'm Back!

Woowwww. Coming to the end of 2019 and here I am!

Not fully better, but slowly finding myself and listening to my calling. Gathering… Community… Vulnerability… Sisterhood.

There’s so much I want to say, but feel like it can’t be captured in words, only experience.

I invite you to take a chance… a leap of faith to try something new. Be brave sister. I got you.


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