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Do you struggle with truly, fully and unconditionally loving yourself? 

Do you find it easy to dish out love to everyone else but when it comes to self-love, you are not so generous and forthcoming? 

Are your acts of self-love saved only for special occasions where pampering is involved?  

Many women believe that at the very core of our beings that we are not worthy or deserving, or that it is somehow selfish, wrong or over-indulgent to show or shower love upon oneself. 

I get it sister. From an early age you have learned to internalize guilt-laden and shame-creating beliefs that prevent you from truly and wholeheartedly loving yourself. 

We have been taught not to express love for ourselves because this is somehow selfish, vain and down right wrong. Or because there is something wrong with us and we do not truly deserve love. 

The truth is, you ARE deserving and you ARE worthy. Self-love is nothing to be ashamed of - it IS a great thing. 

Self-love is misunderstood, and it is time to re-define and re-create a new meaning for ourselves. One that allows the floodgates of self-love to open so we can bathe in and embody all of the deliciousness that self-love brings. 

It is time to clear away anything and everything that blocks or diminishes self-love. Because the more you love yourself, the more you can love others. But it starts with YOU. 

At this circle, you will learn how to love yourself openly, indulgently and without apology.

Join us as we open our hearts and indulge in self-loving acts and expressions. 

Come to circle and experience:

✨ MEDITATION to enter the Forest of Abundance and feel it all around you
✨ MOVEMENT to experience the abundance of sister love supporting you
✨ INTIMATE SHARING with sisters to notice the places where you are in fear and scarcity so that you can make a shift
✨ RITUAL to feel embraced by the Great Mother so you feel filled up, nourished and held
✨CEREMONY to visualize what you are manifesting and then practice being in the mode of receiving and trusting so it becomes embodied

Self-love is not wrong and neither does it need to be limited. This is your time to indulge and to experience what it is like to shower limitless and fearless love upon yourself. 

We will be using the wisdom, guidance and medicine of Cacao in this month’s circle to support us in opening our hearts and clearing all that has been in the way of us indulging ourselves in self-love. 

Let us together, clear away all those self-love limiting beliefs so that we can open to increased self-love and deeply know that self-love is such vital, necessary and positive thing. 

Space is limited … Save your seat in circle for this transformational experience that will uplift, inspire and empower you.

(( All ticket sales are final ))

February 8


March 31

The Gathering, Week 1 - Circle Orientation