Make an impact


Mission: To create a sacred space where women and non-binary individuals can connect with their authentic selves,cultivate self-love, and embrace the power of sisterhood.

Vision: A world where everyone feels empowered to express their unique gifts, embrace their vulnerability, and live a life of purpose and joy.


  • Authenticity: We believe in showing up as our true selves, without masks or pretense.

  • Vulnerability: We create a safe space for sharing our stories and emotions without fear of judgment.

  • Sisterhood: We celebrate the power of connection and support among women and non-binary individuals.

  • Empowerment: We believe in the innate wisdom and strength within each of us.

  • Self-love: We encourage practices of self-care and compassion.

  • Creativity: We embrace the creative spirit within each of us as a path to healing and transformation.

  • Spirituality: We honor the interconnectedness of all beings and the sacredness of life.

  • Inclusivity: We welcome all who identify as women or non-binary, regardless of background or experience

Much love + moonbeams,