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  • Born to HypnoBirth 936 Wilson Avenue Kelowna, BC Canada (map)


Join me while we tap into the full moon energy, find our flow together, and tap into all that is feminine. You are the light... the light side of the full moon, sister … Descend into the dark underworld to witness and reclaim the lost treasure of your feminine soul at this Full Moon circle gathering.

The phases of the moon are connected to the phases of our cycle. When we embrace the phases of the moon + support our cycle within these phases, there is a sense of balance and harmony attained.

For thousands of years, humans have been practicing rituals and ceremonies where the principle is to go down into the darkness in order to rebirth into light.

This descent was understood to be a process of symbolic, psychic and deep emotional transformation.

We can see evidence in this in Goddess stories, myths and mysteries which are thousands of years old.

What lurks beneath in the soil of our underworld is parts of our feminine soul (and this could be the collective feminine as well as our individual soul). They are like lost treasure and it is only when we take the time to search, to go on our very own treasure hunt, that we are able to restore them.

At this month’s circle, you will descend into your shadows to witness and reclaim the lost treasure of your feminine soul.

Taking a descent into these dark places within us, into our shadow is an opportunity for us to cleanse. It can be likened to a form of psychic hygiene where we can face our shadows and demons, and also restore our feminine soul, shakti and vitality back to wholeness as we return from the underworld.

Come to circle and experience:

✨ MEDITATION to Journey into the Underworld and let go of your fear of the dark
✨ MOVEMENT to embody the treasure you are and have reclaimed
✨ INTIMATE SHARING with sisters to declare what treasure of your feminine soul you are reclaiming
✨ RITUAL to reclaim your light and shine bright in the world
✨CEREMONY to find courage in revealing all parts of yourself, even the parts you feel the most shame and embarrassment.

Space is limited … Save your seat in circle for this transformational experience that will uplift, inspire and empower you.

November 19

Grounded Circle - Women's Circles

January 24