Bexx Salvidar Bexx Salvidar

Unveiling HERvision... and how it unfolded...

Our first circle completed.

What a beautiful experience and expression of all those that attended. I am so honoured and left feeling today a sense of wholeness and community with all those that came. Thank you.

I encourage you to join. It’s the whole reason why I’m doing this. I am called to honour and celebrate our divine human spirit, we need to sit and gather in circle. This is how we activate our powers of self reflection + conscious choice and how we each align to free-will connecting to wisdom.

Together last night, we raised our vibrations, as all the Sistership Circle Facilitators held circle during the full moon.

It is no coincidence that my circle was held on the 13th, the number of the goddess divinity. It is why “unlucky 13” came to be all those years ago, as the masculine is in fear of the divine feminine… burning witches at the stake for connecting to mother nature, grandmother moon, father sky, and sister + brother stars.

I was deeply moved and felt the energetics of the container we co-created. The tears flowed down my face as I read the invocation, meaning each and every word spoken. It is the vibration of my being: resonating + channeling + collaborating.

If you are curious, seeking connection, you are welcome to join us. This is for all ages of women with a womb space. We are all on this journey together, and I would love to join you.

The next circle is on December 20th, where will be honouring the Winter Solstice and collaborating in a bath salts ceremony. Space is limited. Click here for more info.

Much love + gratitude,

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Bexx Salvidar Bexx Salvidar

New Circles! I'm Back!

Woowwww. Coming to the end of 2019 and here I am!

Not fully better, but slowly finding myself and listening to my calling. Gathering… Community… Vulnerability… Sisterhood.

There’s so much I want to say, but feel like it can’t be captured in words, only experience.

I invite you to take a chance… a leap of faith to try something new. Be brave sister. I got you.


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