Bexx Salvidar Bexx Salvidar

OMG... What is a Mother's Blessing?

Have you heard of this new trend?  It's something that's new to me and I thought the "thing" to do was a traditional baby shower.

A mother's blessing is an adapted ceremony from a Blessingway performed by the Navajo people. To the indigenous people it is a ceremony that celebrates a woman's transition in life, not just related to birth, but divorce, moving, career change, remarriage... it's a way of dreaming and manifesting the will of what will become.

What happens in a mother's blessing? We love on the birthing woman, how that looks is different based on her needs and comfort. We can brush her hair, braid with flowers by her mothers,sisters, or girlfriends, make or bring a flower crown. We give her hand or foot massages, or mani/pedi, paint mama's belly. Another idea is to create a token like a bracelet, infuse candles that we light when birth begins. You only need to pick a few. The ceremony lasts an afternoon. We eat, play music, laugh, share only positive feelings and stories, and love on her.

We close the ceremony with a favourite poem, song, or meditation.

When birthing begins, she will take her token to remember that her tribe is with her, behind her, and supporting her.

Drop me a message if you're curious about learning more.


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