Bexx Salvidar Bexx Salvidar

Finding MY flow

Here we are. 2020.

I’m on this pursuit of finding my flow. Having a traumatic brain injury puts a new spin and speed for how and when I do things.

I REALLY want women to gather weekly, twice a week would be better. Participating in circle is like yoga for your spirit and soul. How it differs from yoga is the collective participation of witnessing each of our journey’s. It’s the dream. It’s my dream.

I think I’m finding my flow. I do things way slower, I take small bites out of everything, and chew way slower. While I wanted to see all your beautiful faces every week, my needs and my cup would have emptied in no time. I am so not back to “normal working Erika”… WOW I just wrote that. It makes me sad in this moment. That I’m not who I was. Yet, I am on this journey of finding my new flow within my body. So let’s take things a little slower, ya?

I’ve always been drawn to the moon, I look up at it all the time, I look at the stars, I watch clouds, I generally look at space. A lot, like took 2 semesters in uni for astronomy, because I love space.

Let’s take: my love for moons + my affinity for space + my socializing personality + toss in motherhood (cause why not…)

* Big Bang *

Mama’s Karma + Moon Circles are born.

Moon Circles:
I need to find my own rhythm, and hooking up twice a month to a regular event like full + new moons, feels aligned. So we can do a thing! We can create a tribe where we witness our own growth, have real talks, build community in a space of regular gatherings.

Mama’s Karma:
Mama’s... any mama... young babes invited, as long as they're not mobile.

Karma... the exchange. Energy is the ultimate exchange, sometimes we pay because we in some way did work to receive, to give something or make something... this is about building our tribe of sisters.

* Boom. Done. Let’s do it. *

This is a mum's circle, once every 3 weeks during the day on a weekday, by donation (value $10), doesn't have to be cash, can be a trade (like you read my meditation piece or share one you created, or read my circle invocation, or make tea at my house for the group), bring baked item or snacks to share, or nothing... because maybe you need to fill your cup (proverbial or literal) before you can give from it. I got you. It's all good.

It'll be by RSVP so I know how many people are coming. Location would by at my home. We will have circle and a ceremony / ritual. I am needing community for myself, where I can be me, Erika the person, the mum, the partner, the kickass sparkly sista.


  • sex (sexual health, intimacy with self + partnered)

  • relationships single + partnered

  • kids (littles, teens, adult children)

  • pregnancy (birth, transformation, your story

  • loss

  • mental health

  • food

  • highs + lows of life

  • Other... anything you want to talk about? I'm game for suggestions.

I need structure. As my ayurvedic coach has helped me realize “structure is freedom”.

The Moon Circles are already in action, next one is Jan 10th! The Mama’s Karma will be coming out Spring 2020.

That’s all for now. Thank you for listening.


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Bexx Salvidar Bexx Salvidar

Unveiling HERvision... and how it unfolded...

Our first circle completed.

What a beautiful experience and expression of all those that attended. I am so honoured and left feeling today a sense of wholeness and community with all those that came. Thank you.

I encourage you to join. It’s the whole reason why I’m doing this. I am called to honour and celebrate our divine human spirit, we need to sit and gather in circle. This is how we activate our powers of self reflection + conscious choice and how we each align to free-will connecting to wisdom.

Together last night, we raised our vibrations, as all the Sistership Circle Facilitators held circle during the full moon.

It is no coincidence that my circle was held on the 13th, the number of the goddess divinity. It is why “unlucky 13” came to be all those years ago, as the masculine is in fear of the divine feminine… burning witches at the stake for connecting to mother nature, grandmother moon, father sky, and sister + brother stars.

I was deeply moved and felt the energetics of the container we co-created. The tears flowed down my face as I read the invocation, meaning each and every word spoken. It is the vibration of my being: resonating + channeling + collaborating.

If you are curious, seeking connection, you are welcome to join us. This is for all ages of women with a womb space. We are all on this journey together, and I would love to join you.

The next circle is on December 20th, where will be honouring the Winter Solstice and collaborating in a bath salts ceremony. Space is limited. Click here for more info.

Much love + gratitude,

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Bexx Salvidar Bexx Salvidar

How do we stay OUT of competition?

Have you been THAT person or know someone who has a natural inclination to “one up” in a story? Sometimes, if I’m being real here, I’ve caught myself doing it. It happens. We’re human.

In circle, it’s really important to give space for others to feel comfortable to experience the depth of their moment. Here are my circle guidelines.

  1. Resonate, not compete. You have permission to be real, raw, vulnerable, and authentic.
    You have permission for self-expression.

  2. We are co-creating sisterhood, share Ownership. We all hold up the integrity of the group, and you are responsible for your own growth and expansion.
    We are weaving this sisterhood together. Our authentic vulnerability resonates together.

  3. This is a safe + confidential space. We do not share names or stories of our sisters. We can ask for permission and the sister has the right to say no.
    We do not console, unless the sister is asking for it.

  4. Speak-up when feeling triggered + out of alignment. Let go of "suffering in silence", lean into being vulnerable. Navigate where this trigger is coming from.

  5. Connection over promotion. We support each others' work from a place of authentic connection. This is so you don't feel spammy energy. We love hearing what you are up to, pls be respectful and mindful.

  6. We will not "fix" anything. This is a hard one, especially for mamas.
    Let us trust that you have the answer within. If you are still searching or lost, please give permission for "fixes".

  7. Play on our edge, and honour this container. You are responsible for how you show up. Being vulnerable is always so hard.
    My challenge to you is do not suffer in silence, instead play on your edge of vulnerable sensation.
    You are not alone.

  8. I commit to tell the truth. Be honest with first yourself, and then others.
    We hear you, sister. We see you.
    Healing from the inside starts with truth.

  9. I commit to opening my heart. When we are feeling vulnerable, sometimes before we recognize the feeling, we shut it down.
    I commit to opening my heart, when I'm shutting down.

  10. I commit to me + tribe. We are hear for each other. This space was created to be the container in which we connect to ourselves + sisters.
    We do this through integrity, respect, and vulnerability.

What happens when someone breaks one of the rules? I gently remind you: it’s not scary, you don’t get fired or reprimanded. We’re all learning how to be in circle. It is allll good.

Alright sista, that’s it for now.

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