Bexx Salvidar Bexx Salvidar

The Power of Rituals and Ceremonies in Personal Transformation

Transform your life with the power of rituals and ceremonies. As a doula, I know that incorporating daily rituals and ceremonies into your routine can lead to personal growth and a deeper connection with yourself. From meditation to sweat lodges, these practices can help release old patterns and beliefs that no longer serve you. Through my experiences, I've found that they can also help you tap into your intuition and make more authentic choices. Take the first step towards a transformative journey and discover the power of rituals and ceremonies today.

As a doula, I believe in the power of rituals and ceremonies to support personal transformation. Whether you're looking to break free from generational trauma or simply seeking a deeper connection with yourself, incorporating rituals into your daily routine can be transformative.

Rituals can take many forms, from a morning meditation to lighting a candle at the start of your day. Ceremonies can be more elaborate, such as a full moon ceremony or a sweat lodge experience. Whatever form they take, rituals and ceremonies provide an opportunity to connect with yourself and the world around you on a deeper level.

Through my own experiences with rituals and ceremonies, I've found that they can help to release old patterns and beliefs that no longer serve us. They can also help us to connect with our intuition and inner wisdom, allowing us to make more aligned and authentic choices in our lives.

If you're feeling stuck or seeking to transform your life, I encourage you to explore the power of rituals and ceremonies. Start small, with a simple daily practice, and see how it shifts your perspective and enhances your connection to yourself and the world around you.

Much love,


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Bexx Salvidar Bexx Salvidar

How to Reconnect with Yourself

Hi mama, are you okay? See below for some much needed self love.

  1. Weekly Ritual: Take time every week to do something for you, uninterrupted, child free, and totally focused on you.
  2. Ask yourself, "What can I do right now to make me happier?" Is that being happier at home? Work? Volunteering? Grabbing your favourite chocolate bar or tea?
  3. Create a vision board of goals: What are simple things you can take regular steps towards accomplishing? Make sure you can do these things in a loving way, not so much focused on losing weight, but maybe going for a walk with your best friend, or a new friend you made.
  4. Enjoy something that you did before you were pregnant: Going to a Paint Nite class? Pottery? Snowshoeing? Spa date?
  5. Join a sisterhood: connect with women that see the power within you. Laugh, share stories, struggles. These are circles that can offer you unconditional non-judgemental support.

If you're in the area, reach out to me, we can go for coffee or sushi date.

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