Fall into Alignment: A Workbook for Lunar Living

Fall is a season of transition, inviting us to shed what no longer serves us and prepare for the inward journey of winter. It's also a powerful time to connect with the cycles of the moon and harness its energy for personal growth and transformation.

My new workbook, "Flow With the Moon," is your companion for this journey. It's filled with practical tools and soulful prompts to help you:

  • Honor Your Cycle: Track your menstrual cycle, understand your hormonal fluctuations, and embrace your body's wisdom.

  • Nurture Your Mental Health: Cultivate daily check-ins to foster self-awareness, self-compassion, and resilience.

  • Harness the Moon's Energy: Connect with the new and full moons through rituals, reflections, and affirmations.

What's Inside the Workbook:

  • Period Tracker: Log your cycle, symptoms, and moods to gain insights into your body's natural rhythms.

  • Daily Mental Health Check-In: Reflect on your emotions, energy levels, and self-care practices.

  • Moon Intentions: Set intentions for the new and full moons, and track your progress.

  • Affirmations & More: Discover powerful affirmations, prayers, and invocations to support your journey.

Why Lunar Living?

The moon's cycles offer a powerful metaphor for our own inner rhythms. By aligning with the moon, we can tap into our intuition, release old patterns, and manifest our desires with greater ease and flow.

This Fall, I invite you to:

  • Download the free workbook and begin your journey of lunar living.

  • Join The Soul Sisters' Collective on Facebook for community support and inspiration.

  • Explore my Sacred Women's Circles and one-on-one offerings for deeper connection and transformation.

Let's embrace the magic of Fall and step into alignment with the moon's wisdom.


Click the link below to get your free download:
Click here


Embracing Your Inner Wild: A Journey Back to Your Authentic Self