What can I expect from circle?

There is SO much magic that happens in circle. It is an evolution. Again, it reminds me so much of pregnancy + labour + partum. An evolution.

So what exactly happens?

The point of circle is to give every women in the world the experience of real and authentic sisterhood where she is loved, accepted and celebrated as herself. Through the sisterhood, women gain confidence in being a woman, claim their feminine leadership and develop meaningful, deep relationships with other women.

We sit in a circle (on the floor with a cushion) and talk, listen, and share our stories. We listen and do not interrupt and do no "fixing" when a person is sharing. What you get out of this is hearing other perspectives, sometimes we are emotionally moved, sometimes they align with our own perspectives, or challenge them. When we have an emotional experience I ask that you sit with it, feeling it and noticing where it comes from. What is the language around it? Can you see why you're moved by it? Where it comes from? This dialogue is really important to our individual growth. When we each share, guaranteed there is someone else needing to hear what you have to say for their own growth. When we have these experiences there comes a sisterhood + sense of community when we can land as our authentic selves.

Each circle has a theme, and will have re-occurring themes like full + new moon circles. We talk about how we connect or don't connect to these themes, what our take is on the question posed to the group, there's some journaling, meditation, and movement (stretching, breath work, body movement).

I hope this answers your question, and hope to see you at a circle.

Much love,


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