What's the deal with dads and doulas?

How do you convince your partner you need a doula? The first words my husband said: "they're too expensive". So here's 5 ways to educate your partner.

Get other dads to share their birth stories

Other guys speak "dude" lingo and have more street cred than you the pregnant mama.

He is your advocate

Your doula in many situations especially in hospitals, can't advocate for you. But she can remind your husband to take a minute to think or converse with you. Your Doula can assist or suggest .

How is he going to pee, remember to stay hydrated, or eat?

The doula takes care of both of you. The labouring woman, just as much as the supportive husband or partner. The doula wants the two of you in this together, or as much as the partner wants to be involved. It is not her place to take over or shine, it is the mother's journey, her space, coming into her own.

Reduces stress

If this is a first time dad, ask him to consider what he's going to do when it's "go time". Is he going to know what to do? Is he going to rely on you to tell him? A Doula will know how to check in, questions to ask dad, things to suggest. She'll be the rock that he can lean on and pivot from when you need him.

Family gets a good head start

It's incredible how good it feels to be supported, and look back feeling like you and dad were able to make decisions the best you could given the situation of how birth unfolded.

Dads don't regret a doula, they say, "I'm glad we weren't alone". A woman's birth needs the sacred space of unfolding the way it does because it wakes her unique motherhood instinct. This is what carries her forward and gives way to fatherhood for dads.

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Being truthful